Molly-Dharma Motorcycle Run
The Molly-Dharma Run (MDR) began in 2007 to benefit MaxFund, a no-kill animal shelter in Denver, Colorado.
This motorcycle ride event was named for Molly-Dharma, a very large intimidating dog who had many issues to overcome before she could be adopted, and who was kept at MaxFund for over 2-1/2 years before Kirk Zimmerman adopted her. Ken Mann walked Molly at MaxFund and introduced her to Kirk when she looked and acted like she wanted to rip him to pieces. It was touch and go in the beginning; very difficult.
Kirk and Ken co-founded this event in Molly’s honor in 2007 for MaxFund and have done this event every year since. You can read her story here, and follow her event on Facebook at Molly-Dharma Annual Motorcycle Run.
Molly turned 12 in September 2015 and crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2016. R.I.P., Ms. Molly-Dharma, 9/1/2003 – 8/19/2016.
In 2012, the Molly-Dharma Run became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in its own right, in order to promote and help other no-kill shelters in Denver and Colorado.
Gratitude is what this ride is all about. Gratitude from Molly for finding her forever home, gratitude to all the rescue organizations and their volunteers who work so hard to make it possible to find forever homes for the countless dogs and cats still in shelters! We hope that you will consider adopting your next pet from a shelter…perhaps one that the MDR has supported.
This event is about honoring Molly and her story to Paw It Forward: promoting and helping worthy animal rescue organizations, especially the smaller ones, to find forever homes for all the animals in their care.
The following shelters have benefited from the MDR: MaxFund for 6 years; 2013 – Intermountain Humane Society; 2014 – Humane Society of South Platte Valley; 2015 – Every Creature Counts (unfortunately closed due to lack of funding); 2016 – Evergreen Animal Protective League; 2017 – Planet Pet; and 2018 – Evergreen Animal Protective League. We hope to find other special shelters each year.
Let’s ride for the animals! Keep the rubber down and put a little extra in the kitty if you can. Thank you, bikers and friends of the MDR!
Co-Founders: Ken Mann and Kirk Zimmerman